
What is the difference between Quicksort and Merge Sort

The main difference between quicksort and merge is that quicksort sorts the elements by comparing each element to an element called a pivot,…

3 years ago

What is the difference between RDBMS and OODBMS?

The main difference between RDBMS and OODBMS is that the RDBMS is a database management system that is based on the relational model…

3 years ago

What is the difference between recursion and loop?

The main difference between recursion and loop is that recursion is a mechanism to call a function within the same function while loop…

3 years ago

What is the difference between Redis and Memcached

The main difference between Redis and Memcached is that Redis is an open source key-value store that helps build scalable web applications,…

3 years ago

What is the difference between register and buffer?

The main difference between register and buffer is that the register is a temporary storage area in the processor that allows…

3 years ago

What’s the difference btw relation and relation in DBMS?

The main difference between relation and relation in DBMS is that relation refers to a table in a relational model based database while…

3 years ago

What’s difference btw relational and hierarchical database?

The main difference between relational and hierarchical database is that the relational database follows the relational model and stores the data in tables…

3 years ago

What’s difference relational and non-relational database?

the main difference between relational and non-relational database is that the relational database stores the data in tables while the non-relational database stores…

3 years ago

What’s diff RESTful and RESTless Web Service?

The main difference between RESTful and RESTless Web Service is that the RESTful web service is an application that follows the Representational State…

3 years ago

What is the difference between RFC and BAPI in SAP?

The main difference between RFC and BAPI in SAP is that RFC is a mechanism that allows business applications to communicate with other…

3 years ago