
Difference between Analysis and Synthesis

Analysis is a process of deduction or decomposition in which we reduce and examine something part by part. When analyzed, general ideas and concepts are broken down into smaller chunks, thus leading to a better understanding. The synthesis, on the contrary, has been the solution between a series of conflicts that occur between the thesis and the antithesis; The final objective of the synthesis is to make a new proposal, in other words, to synthesize is to “create.” Difference between Analysis and Synthesis

Analysis  Difference between Analysis and Synthesis

Analysis derives from the Greek “analusis” which literally means “rupture.” Analysis is used especially when dealing with matters of Logic and Mathematics. Even before Aristotle, when students were asked to analyze certain topics; They were encouraged to establish relationships or connections between various ideas to discover the components of each. The relationship between each idea that was connected to the main theme was studied. The students had the task of detecting any element that would allow them to reach a correct conclusion regarding the matter that occupied them. All of this was done with the purpose of avoiding the biases and assumptions that can always harm an investigation.


On the other hand, synthesize refers to something else. To continue with the example of the students in ancient Greece, in this case the synthesis would be the development of their own concepts and ideas by the students, around the topic they are dealing with and the information they have analyzed.

Synthesis often takes elements from what is being analyzed (both the thesis and the antithesis of the topic) and unites them to form something new.

The synthesis can occur in various aspects, chemical, philosophical; Even in Botany it can be observed that plants perform the function of photosynthesis, in which they use the energy of the sun as a catalyst to make an organic molecule from a simple carbon molecule.

In the case of Philosophy, synthesis is the end product of dialectics and is considered a greater process than analysis. An example of a philosophical synthesis is what Inmanuel Kant did when he introduced criticism, which became a synthesis between skepticism and dogmatism. Let us remember that dogmatism (not only refers to the religious as many people believe) stated that it was possible to arrive at a truth or an absolute knowledge; while skepticism basically proposed (there are different degrees of skepticism and dogmatism) that you could not obtain a knowledge of things and that the human being could not reach the truth. Then the Kantian criticism synthesizes these two positions, stating that it is possible to arrive at a knowledge; but that to achieve this goal you have to do a deep analysis and decomposition of things.

Differences between synthesis and analysis

  1. Synthesis is a higher process in which something new is created. Analysis is a decomposition of something general into smaller or particular fragments, with the purpose of reaching a greater understanding.

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Mohammad Asif Goraya

M A Goraya has qualification of M.phil in Agricultural Sciences. He has almost 15 years of teaching Experience at college and university level. He likes to share his research based knowledge with his students and audience.

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