How to write an Expository Essay? with Proper Definition and Brief Explanation

What is an expository essay?

Expository essay is an informative essay that analyzes, investigates, and evaluates a topic. This essay could be written to identify cause and effect relationships, to compare and contrast two things, or to provide step-by-step instructions on how to achieve a particular goal. Whatever the purpose, the writer has to use a lot of evidence, statistics, and facts.                              How to write an expository essay

How to write an expository essay

Step 1: understand

The first step you should take before writing your essay is to understand the topic clearly. An expository essay could consist of comparing and contrasting two themes, analyzing the cause-effect relationship between two events, or explaining a process. For example, if you are given the topic, “Social media corrupts the minds of the young generation,” you should understand the purpose of the essay. Here, the purpose of the essay is to highlight causes and effects.

Step 2: Brainstorm and Research 

As mentioned earlier, an expository essay deals with many facts and figures. So, you have to research the topic and find relevant evidence and statistics. Before writing your essay, take some time and think about the subject areas that you are going to cover in the essay.

Step 3: Organize

Introduction                                                How to write an expository essay

Begin your essay with a thesis statement. Make a brief description of the background so that readers can understand what you are going to talk about. Then write a concise summary of the areas you will cover in the essay.


Divide the body of the essay into several paragraphs. Use each paragraph to discuss different aspects. For example, imagine that you are writing an essay on “Effects of Environmental Pollution,” and you are writing about the effects of water pollution, the effects of air pollution, and the effects of soil pollution. Then you must use 3 paragraphs to describe these 3 areas. However, there should also be a clear and logical transition between paragraphs. Always use a topic sentence in each paragraph to discuss each point. In summary, we can say that each paragraph should contain a topic sentence, supporting evidence, analysis of the evidence, and transition.


The final paragraph should support the thesis and the main supporting ideas. You should not introduce new material in the conclusion.

Tips for writing an expository essay

  • First, understand the topic clearly and decide which method to use.
  • Do a thorough research, if you are unfamiliar with the subject.
  • If you are writing about an academic subject, always use direct academic language; not use literary language.
  • Always provide solid data, evidence to support your points.
  • Write logically and analytically.
  • Use a neutral, objective tone.
  • Make sure there is a smooth flow between paragraphs.
  • Use transitional words and phrases. (Example:  although this may be true, in the same way / way, with this intention, consequently, nevertheless, nevertheless, etc. )
  • After completing the essay, always check your writing. Make sure there are no grammar or spelling errors.

Congratulations ! You are now ready to start writing YOUR expository essay.

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