Difference between Secularism and Capitalism

Capitalism and secularism are two totally different concepts, systems and points of view. At first glance, these concepts have practically nothing to do with each other; but despite their various differences they share an underlying theme.


Capitalism, for example, is a socioeconomic system that emphasizes private property and the free market. In capitalism, private owners control their respective means of production (of a product or a service) and determine the strategies to generate more profits. The concept of a free market is essential in capitalism. In this context, it is the market that determines the supply and demand of a product with consumers having the freedom to choose and a variety of options in products and services.

Capitalism produces two types of income: profit for business owners and wages for employees, often also a type of compensation for people who perform a particular service for customers or consumers on behalf of the company. Capitalism, in addition to being a model for the economy, is also a model for society and social organization. Since capitalism is based on individualism, it can be said that some societies apply this model to their members. This encourages people, particularly young people, to be more independent with their abilities or talents rather than being dependent on their families or society in general.


On the other hand, secularism is a principle observed in society that affects both government and religion. Secularism or secularism encourages the separation of both entities in society to avoid an overlap of power or entity that controls members of society at the expense of others who are supporters of another religion.

The separation of government and religion reduces the likelihood of abuse against some members of society to benefit another group whose beliefs are accepted by a greater number of people. In addition to the separation of church and state, secularism prohibits the establishment of a state religion and members of the government are encouraged to keep their religion as a private matter that does not influence civil affairs.

Secularism gives equal rights to all members and affiliates of religious organizations, as well as freedom of worship based on the personal beliefs of each individual.

Secularism is often adopted in countries with members of different origins or people with different religions.

Both capitalism and secularism share the idea of ​​democracy and equality. They also involve two social entities. But in capitalism, the affected sectors are the government and the commerce / business sector, while in secularism, those affected are the government and religion. Capitalism has the idea of ​​no government control or minimal interference over commercial transactions and businesses. On the other hand, secularism opposes the fusion between government and religion.

Regarding the issue of equality, capitalism encourages anyone to obtain benefits by any available legal means, while secularism or secularism maintains the status quo in a particular society, allowing the same rights and privileges to any member no matter what. religion belongs.

Key differences between secularism and capitalism

  1. The main differences between capitalism and secularism are the entities involved in each. Capitalism focuses on business and commerce, while secularism focuses on religion and government.

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