Difference Between Ice and Snow with Explanation
Not everything that looks like is the same and, this applies especially to the case of snow and ice; two things that a large number of people often confuse because of the similarities they share. Difference Between Ice and Snow with Explanation
If you also think that there is no difference between ice and snow or you just want a little more information about it, keep reading, because then we explain why they are not the same and what their difference consists of.
ICE Difference Between Ice and Snow with Explanation
Ice is nothing more than water in a solid state. It can also refer to frozen water.
Generally, its color is transparent, but in some cases where certain impurities are present, the color can vary and become opaque. A very important detail to know is that water freezes when the temperature reaches 0 degrees Celsius, however, according to some studies it only freezes well when the temperature is -13 degrees Celsius.
What happens during this freezing process is that the water molecules begin to bond with each other as the temperature decreases. Once all these molecules are joined, they then form a kind of pattern that looks like a set of hexagons. When such a pattern is present it means that ice has formed.
Note: ice floats because it is 9% less dense than water.
Snow is nothing more than frozen precipitation that forms when atmospheric water vapor freezes due to extremely low temperatures.
Snow is made up of small ice crystals that are joined together. These crystals are known as snowflakes and are presented to the naked eye in granular form.
Although snow is generally defined as a soft white substance, when it is under external pressure, these attributes are subject to change. When snow falls from the clouds, then the phenomenon is known as snowfall; nimbostratus clouds being the ones that produce the best snow.
Finally, snowflakes come in different shapes, however they share one feature in common and; is that they all have 6 main sides. The color of snow is white and it does not absorb or transmit other colors. Its smooth and grainy texture is due to the fact that when it hits the ground, the air takes up a lot of space in the codend.