How to Cite a Website in APA Format? with Proper Definition and Brief Explanation
In this article, we will explain how to cite a website in APA format. The APA reference guide does not provide an exact guide to citing a website. However, it does provide guidelines for citing various sources in online formats. First, you need to find the following information to create an appointment.
Information required to cite a website in APA format
- Article title
- Website title, project, database
- Publisher information (name, date, etc.)
- Author / publisher names
- Date you accessed the material.
- URL or DOI
How to cite a website in APA format
How to cite a general website in APA format
Although there are no strict guidelines, the following structure is generally used to cite a website.
Author. (Publication date). Article title. Retrieved from URL
- When you are typing the name of the writer, the last name must appear first. This is followed by the initial (s) of the first name (s).
Anderson, k..
- When writing the date, you must use the following format.
Year, Date of the month (1999, April 29)
- If the website has no author, you can use the following format.
Article title. (Year, date of publication). Retrieved from URL
You can get a clear idea about these quotes by looking at the following examples.
Winch, G. (2016, May 10). At what age are you most likely to be alone? Retrieved from |
Difference between prohibited and restricted (2015, October 13). Retrieved from |
How to cite an online journal in APA format
If you are citing an article from an online magazine, you can use the following format.
Author. (Year published). Article title. Journal name , Volume (Issue), page (s). doe: # or Retrieved from URL
Woodwall, T. (2007). New marketing, improved marketing, apocryphal marketing: is it a sufficient marketing concept ?. European Marketing Magazine , 41 (11/12), 1284 – 1296. doe 10.1108 / 03090560710821170 |
Cole, S. (2015). Space tourism: perspectives, positioning and planning .. Daario de Futures de Turismo , 1 (2), 131 – 140. |
You can also use this structure to cite journals retrieved from online databases. Information about the database does not have to be cited in APA style.
How to cite an online dictionary or encyclopedia
Encyclopedic entries and dictionary entries generally do not mention the names of the authors. In such cases, you can use the following format
Entry name (year of publication) in Encyclopedia . Retrieved from URL
Spoonerism (2015) In Encyclopedia Britannica online. Retrieved from |