Difference Between Dengue and Ebola

4 years ago

The Ebola and dengue fever are two serious diseases that are affecting the current human population. They are more common in third world…

Difference Between Contagious and Infectious

4 years ago

The recent Ebola outbreak has caused more than one person to fear leaving their home, a similar fear experienced by…

Difference Between Flue and Allergy

4 years ago

We are all affected by diseases and other types of health problems. Whether we want to or not we have to…

Difference Between Pandemic and epidemic

4 years ago

Pandemic and epidemic are words that are used to refer to the spread of diseases, however, it is important to…

Difference Between Cigar and Cigarette

4 years ago

Although both cigarettes and cigars contain tobacco, the truth is that there are differences between the two. Differences in composition and…

Difference Between Acute and Chronic Disease

4 years ago

When it comes to diseases we know that some are worse than others, but it can also be the case…

Difference b/w Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism

4 years ago

The thyroid is an endocrine gland located in the neck of vertebrate animals, including humans. This gland is responsible for storing,…

Difference Between Asthma and Seasonal Asthma

4 years ago

Among the most annoying and common diseases is asthma, which affects millions of people around the world. There are several types…

Difference Between Gastritis and Gastroenteritis

4 years ago

There are many people who use the terms gastroenteritis and gastritis interchangeably, because deep down they are unaware that they…

Difference between Bird Flu and Swine Flu

4 years ago

In other times it was thought that diseases came as punishment to humans, that is, that they were the result…