
Difference Between Tundra and Desert

The tundra and the desert are two biomes with a decrease in the amount of precipitation. Due to the decrease in…

4 years ago

Difference Between Geography and Demography

Human beings have always felt the need to measure and understand everything around us, we are not satisfied with such s or so…

4 years ago

Difference Between North and South pole

The North and South poles are known as the extreme points of the Earth. These are found in the polar…

4 years ago

Difference Between Cyclone and Typhoon

Cyclone, hurricane and typhoon are terms that are closely related and that at the same time have their differences. All three…

4 years ago

Difference Between Lake and Lagoon

Water is essential for life and appears in various forms on our planet: there is fresh, warm, salty, sweet water there…

4 years ago

Difference Between Rural and Urban

Do you live in an urban or rural area? How do you know what kind of zone it is? What…

4 years ago

Difference Between Geography and Topography

Our planet and all the places that are on it are of great interest to many people, which is something…

4 years ago

Difference Between Poles and Ecuador

ECUADOR The Equator is the point from which latitude is calculated. In other words, it is the 0 ° latitude line. It…

4 years ago

Difference Between Longitude and Latitude

Surely more than once you have heard the words latitude and longitude. You have probably heard them mentioned on several occasions…

4 years ago

Difference Between Country and Continent

We all have a more or less clear idea about the differences between country and continent, but it is likely…

4 years ago