Health and Fitness

CT scan and MRI difference with definition

The main difference between a CT scan and an MRI is that by CT the test images are obtained by X-rays and with MRI they are obtained by radio waves. But there are many more differences that distinguish these two tests. So if you are interested in knowing them, stay and read on.  CT scan and MRI difference with definition

What is a TAC? CT scan and MRI difference with definition

Computed Tomography, more commonly known as CT, is a non-invasive diagnostic test used primarily to detect bleeding and internal injuries. X-rays are used to obtain the images of the exam. Unlike a conventional x-ray radiography, CT scans take different images. In this way, a three-dimensional image is obtained that allows diagnosing with much more precision, since a level of detail of bones, internal organs and soft tissues.

How does a TAC work? CT scan and MRI difference with definition

The operation of the CT consists of performing a large multitude of scans of a specific area of ​​the body using X-rays. In order to generate a three-dimensional image, these radiographs are taken from different positions and angles.

How long does a TAC take?

The duration of a CT scan is approximately 20 minutes, which may take more or less time depending on each case and if it is necessary to administer a contrast for the test.

What is an MRI?

Magnetic resonance imaging or MRI is a non-invasive diagnostic test. It is mainly used to detect and diagnose conditions such as muscle tears or diagnoses of the breast, abdomen or central nervous system. By means of radiofrequency waves and electromagnetic fields emitted during the examination, three-dimensional images are obtained that help to determine the diagnosis of possible injuries or affectations of the patient.

How does an MRI work? CT scan and MRI difference with definition

Magnetic resonance imaging is obtained thanks to the reaction of atoms when they are excited by radio frequency signals in electromagnetic fields. By means of these reactions, a three-dimensional image of the explored area can be determined from which a diagnosis of the affectation can be obtained.

How long does an MRI take?

The duration of an MRI usually ranges between 30 and 60 minutes, and may take more or less time depending on each case.

Did you know…?

The inventor of MRI, Paul Laternur, received the Nobel Prize in 2003 for the advancement it brought to medicine.

CT vs resonance. Differentiations and similarities

As has been seen, there are a variety of differentiations and similarities between the two tests. Depending on the need, it will be more convenient to do one or the other. CT is most recommended for diagnoses related to bones and fractures. Instead, MRIs are a better option if the soft parts of the body need to be studied. In any case, we must leave this choice to the professional judgment of our doctor.

Mohammad Asif Goraya

M A Goraya has qualification of M.phil in Agricultural Sciences. He has almost 15 years of teaching Experience at college and university level. He likes to share his research based knowledge with his students and audience.

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