
We discuss about the topic of Bio and Living.

Difference between Moth and Butterfly

Difference between moth and butterfly fall into two categories: anatomical and behavioral. Most moths are nocturnal; that is, they fly…

2 years ago

Differences between Plants and Animals cells

The cell is the structural and functional unit of living beings. They are microscopic and their discovery is attributed to Robert…

4 years ago

How are Fungi different from Plants

Plants and fungi play a very important role in the survival of humans and other organisms. All living beings are…

4 years ago

Explain the difference between Genotype and Phenotype

Phenotype and genotype are widely used terms, which are used to differentiate the genetic makeup of an organism and the way in…

4 years ago

Difference between Biome and Ecosystem

In Ecology there are two very important terms that are often used interchangeably. "Biome" and "ecosystem" often overlap, however, these…

4 years ago

what is the main difference between Mitosis and Meiosis

All cells follow a process of division and this process is very relevant in their life cycle. Cell division represents 10% of the…

4 years ago

Difference Between Toad and Frog

For some people, distinguishing toads from frogs can be difficult; since they are quite similar. These two amphibians are quite well known,…

4 years ago

Difference Between Rat and Mouse

Rats and mice are regularly confused due to their similar appearances, but despite the fact that many people confuse these little…

4 years ago

Difference Between Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles and amphibians are distantly related to each other, hence there are sometimes certain similarities between them. In both cases…

4 years ago

Difference b/w Renewable and Non-Renewable Recourses

Natural resources are of great importance to humans and other creatures. In general terms, they are categorized into two groups: renewable…

4 years ago