Natural Sciences

Difference Between Agriculture and Horticulture

Cultivating the land is an activity as old as it is necessary for human beings to survive. We have depended on crops since the Stone Age. In this sense, we have agriculture and horticulture; two different ways of farming, but how are they different?  Difference Between Agriculture and Horticulture

If you don’t know what the difference is between them or you want a little more information about it, keep reading; because below we explain everything you need to know about this topic.

FARMING  Difference Between Agriculture and Horticulture

Agriculture refers to the activity of planting crops to obtain other products from them or to use them as food. It is worth mentioning that this activity is on a large scale and includes other activities such as irrigation, work with animals, weeding and farming.

Agriculture provides people so that they can satisfy  basic needs such as food and shelter, since some crops such as cotton produce cloth and others such as sugar cane, produce products for daily consumption. Even paper production depends on agriculture.


On the other hand, horticulture is a category within agriculture; therefore, it is a way of cultivating the land but on a much smaller scale.

Unlike agriculture, it does not require hundreds or thousands of acres of land; rather it is an activity that is generally limited to the garden or patio of the house. Horticulture is important too, but it is more limited to the domestic and individual context.

Finally, horticulture may include gardening and caring for plants and, as is done on a smaller scale is much cheaper than agriculture.

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Mohammad Asif Goraya

M A Goraya has qualification of M.phil in Agricultural Sciences. He has almost 15 years of teaching Experience at college and university level. He likes to share his research based knowledge with his students and audience.

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