
Difference Between Arts and Crafts

More than one person has doubts about the difference between arts and crafts. Undoubtedly, between the two there are many things in common; but that is not why it is correct to ignore their differences. Difference Between Arts and Crafts

Here we explain the difference between crafts and crafts.

CRAFTS  Difference Between Arts and Crafts

Craftsmanship is considered an art form that requires specialized work in this area. Artisan works are made for two main purposes: decorative or functional.

The artisans create their works using or transforming the original raw material, that is, they do not usually use synthetic or artificial materials. It is common to see that artisans make clay pots, ceramics, baskets all this based on natural materials.

Usually, the art of crafts is passed down from generation to generation; In other words, it is normal for children to learn it from their artisan parents.

Crafts consist of a set of serial works, which means that it is done as a trade; not just for entertainment. In addition, in the elaboration of artisan works the use of tools and products that are previously prepared or that are artificial is avoided.

In the field of crafts, it often happens that people do not work individually; rather, it is a whole group of people who work making replicas or handcrafted pieces.

Artisans create multiple works, often very similar to each other; but it is also possible that they create original and unique pieces.

Another important detail is that crafts play a significant role in the cultural aspect of the towns. Many times, this type of work reflects the beliefs, customs and ways of being and thinking of the inhabitants of each territory. For this reason, it is not unusual to see tourists buy handicrafts from the places they visit.


As its name implies, crafts are also jobs that are especially used by hands to create. In this case, unlike the crafts; yes all kinds of materials are used. Understand that when we talk about crafts, we refer to creations in which the original raw material (natural) is not worked, but mostly materials that have been created for different purposes are used.

It is common that to make various crafts, recycled materials are used such as jars, CDs, bottles … and other materials such as Eva or foamy rubber , cardboard, felt, among others.

The crafts are not necessarily made for functional purposes, in some cases they are simply done as a form of entertainment or hobby. For this same reason, they are not usually produced in series; that is to say, they do not constitute a trade.

It is also common for crafts to be used in schools, as a way of working on the skills and abilities, both creative and manual, of the students.

Some typical crafts are puppets, flowers made with magazines or foamy, origami, jewelry with crystals, bracelets with colored cords, among others.

Finally, it is important to know that if the crafts are done consecutively and for commercial purposes; then they become handicrafts.

Key differences between crafts and crafts

  • Crafts are made for recreational purposes, while crafts are for aesthetic or functional purposes.
  • Handicrafts are made from the raw material itself, while all kinds of synthetic materials or not are used in crafts.
  • Crafts have a certain cultural importance, while crafts are mostly made for individual or personal purposes.
  • Crafts are not made repetitively, while crafts are.
  • Crafts are a trade, while crafts are entertainment.

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Mohammad Asif Goraya

M A Goraya has qualification of M.phil in Agricultural Sciences. He has almost 15 years of teaching Experience at college and university level. He likes to share his research based knowledge with his students and audience.

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