Education with nature

Difference between camel and dromedary

The differences camel and dromedary, between these two very similar species are in their weight, their skin and, above all, their humps. In addition to these physical differences between these two mammals, they also come from completely different origins and habitats.

It is common for most people to confuse these two very similar animals. Surely you have ever heard: Do camels have one or two humps? It is a very common question when people talk about camels and dromedaries. And you, do you know the answer? If you want to know how to differentiate these two species, keep reading. In this article we explain all their distinctions and similarities.

A book answer: camels have two humps and dromedaries one.

Camels vs Dromedaries camel and dromedary

Surely you are thinking that dromedaries and camels were a means of transport of the past and that currently they are only used for some films and tourist attractions. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are still many places where people use them for transportation due to the difficult terrain they live in.

When people talk about camels, they are usually referring to bacterial camels . This type of camel, at first glance, looks a lot like dromedaries and most people cannot tell the difference between them. A curious fact because these types of animals have been with humans throughout the history of mankind. So shouldn’t we be able to tell them apart?

The biggest difference: The humps!

As mentioned above, the main question people ask themselves is about humps. If they have one or two humps. The answer is very simple. Dromedaries have a single hump. Instead, camels have two.

As a curiosity, there was a myth that said that these animals stored water in their humps as if they were canteens. That is why it was believed that they could continue walking for so many hours without drinking water. However, this myth is completely false. Actually, your humps just one part of your body fat that you use as an energy reserve. In this way they can survive in habitats as harsh as deserts.

They come from different places camel and dromedary

Dromedaries come from Arab countries, while camels come from Central Asia. Some people think that one existed first and the other evolved through a genetic mutation that caused it to have fewer humps.

One for the heat, one for the cold

Because they come from different regions, they are distinguished in different ways. For example, dromedaries are more resistant to intense heat. They can withstand temperatures of over 120 degrees.

In contrast, bacterial camels live in colder areas and can withstand freezing temperatures. Their resistance to cold also helps them warm up.

Your skin is different camel and dromedary

The skin of a camel and a dromedary are of a similar color, but have a different texture and thickness. Camels have longer hair because they live in colder areas. Their fur grows a lot in winter and falls off in summer.

For their part, dromedaries have short hair throughout the year. Their skin is thicker enough to protect them from sunburn and heat.

Size differences

Interestingly, camels are smaller than dromedaries. The second has a much longer and slightly larger wet peat. Precisely because of these two features, a camel would seem small next to a dromedary.

People even say that camels are not as good at walking long distances or going without drinking water while dromedaries are. That said, camels are hardy animals and are known for this, but dromedaries take the title as the toughest of the two.

Camels are more tame

Dromedaries are known to be aggressive, but camels tend to be more tame and tame. It is for this reason that camels are used more as a means of transport and tourist attraction.

Did you enjoy learning about the differences between the two? So do you have a camel one or two humps? After reading this article, you definitely know the answer to that question.

Mohammad Asif Goraya

M A Goraya has qualification of M.phil in Agricultural Sciences. He has almost 15 years of teaching Experience at college and university level. He likes to share his research based knowledge with his students and audience.

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