
Difference Between Crime and Homicide

Because of the relationship between the two terms, people often confuse and use the words “crime” and “homicide” as if they were exactly the same thing and there were no differences between them. However, when we do not enter the legal field we discover that there are certain details that make these two terms; even being related, they have different meanings. Difference Between Crime and Homicide

If you want a little more information about it, keep reading, because below we explain what the difference between homicide and crime is.

CRIME  Difference Between Crime and Homicide

Whenever an offense is committed against the penal code that governs a society, a crime is committed. Criminal acts are not limited to taking the life of another person, but go further and include acts such as: robbery, assault, rape, enslaving other people, mistreating the family or partner, not being responsible for the children and any other act that goes against the penal code.

Crime and crime are synonymous and depending on the country you live in, there may be some actions that are considered criminal or not. For example, in most western countries it is a crime for an adult to be in a relationship or marry someone who is underage; but there are places where it is not penalized and is even socially acceptable.


On the other hand, the criminal act that consists of taking the life of another person is called homicide. To commit murder it is not necessary to resort to direct actions, also the omission of certain actions can result in homicidal acts.

Although in a general sense it is a highly penalized crime, there are cases in which the murderer is not condemned by law (regardless of whether or not his guilt is proven); For example, in cases in which homicide is committed in self-defense, when it is ordered by someone in command or higher rank (ex: military), when it is necessary to avoid more serious crimes and when it is a legal duty (ex : when a criminal is executed).

There are different types of homicides depending on the relationship between the murderer and the victim or the status, rank or position that the victim occupies in society. Likewise, depending on the motivations and the number of victims, homicide is classified differently.

Something important to note is that homicide and murder are not synonymous words, since in the second case it is a more serious act that is generally carried out with premeditation and intention.

Finally, how could you realize after reading all this information; a homicide is always a crime (with the exception of a few cases mentioned above), but not all crimes lead to homicide.

Mohammad Asif Goraya

M A Goraya has qualification of M.phil in Agricultural Sciences. He has almost 15 years of teaching Experience at college and university level. He likes to share his research based knowledge with his students and audience.

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