
Difference Between Current and Voltage

When talking about electricity , the concepts “current” and “voltage” are very important; However, many are unaware that they are different things and tend to use them to refer to the same thing. Difference Between Current and Voltage

Both current and voltage are related to each other. A voltage cannot exist without a current and a current must have a voltage, but you need to understand the difference between the two. For this, below we describe what current and voltage consist of and what makes them different.


The current or electric current is the flow of electrons that passes through a material in a unit of time. These electrons must pass through an electrical conductor to produce a charge.

In a circuit, the charge is produced by electrons passing through a conductor or wire. I also put to be produced by ions in an electrolyte or by ions and electrons.

Electric currents can cause effects such as heating and magnetic fields. Ohm’s law states that “the current through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference across the two points of the conductor.”

Current is measured in amperes. The name of this unit of measurement is due to the physicist and mathematician André-Marie Ampère . An ammeter is used to measure the amperes of the current.

There are several types of currents among which stand out: direct or direct current and alternating current. The first occurs when electrons flow without changing direction, as in the case of batteries, solar panels while alternating current is one in which the direction of the electrons is constantly changing.


It is the electrical power between two different points . It could also refer to the difference in electrical potential energy of a unit test charge carried between two points.

A voltage can represent a source of energy, or it could represent energy lost, used, or stored. It is also called electrical voltage and refers to the pressure capable of pushing electrons through a circuit.

To simplify the definition of these two concepts, imagine that you have two water tanks and a tube that is placed to connect them. E l tank having more water will automatically flow into the tank is less.

The rate at which water flows is similar to the flow of electrons that cause a current. If the tube connecting the two tanks is small, it will result in greater resistance and less water will travel through it; However, if it is wider, there will be less resistance and more water will flow from one tank to another. This is how electricity actually works.

T he pressure of air pushing water from one tank to another is the voltage, while the water (which is the electrons) creates a current. Finally, the tube (conductor) is the one through which the electrons travel.

The mathematical equation to represent this relationship is I = V / R, where I is the current, V is the potential difference between two points, and R is the resistance, which is measured in ohms. According to Ohm’s Law, the R in the relationship is always constant, independent of the current.

According to experts, it is not the high voltage that kills a person when they are electrocuted, but the amount of current that flows and reaches the heart. So if the voltage is high, but the current is low; a person is more likely to survive, while otherwise; the person is very likely to die. This is one of the reasons that means of which it seeks to explain the fact that static electricity does not kill us. This type of electricity is measured at high voltages, but it does not induce a high flow of current.

Differences between voltage and current

  • Current is the rate at which electric charge flows past a point in a circuit , while voltage is the difference in charge potential between two points in an electric field.
  • The unit for current is the ampere, while the unit for voltage is the volt.
  • Current is measured with an ammeter, while voltage is measured with a voltmeter.
  • The current is the effect, the cause of which is the voltage.
  • Current can create a magnetic field, while voltage can create an electrostatic field.
Mohammad Asif Goraya

M A Goraya has qualification of M.phil in Agricultural Sciences. He has almost 15 years of teaching Experience at college and university level. He likes to share his research based knowledge with his students and audience.

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