
Difference Between Curtesy and Etiquette

We are all part of a society and we have to interact with other people whether we like it or not. It would be difficult, if not impossible, for a human being to live completely isolated from others.  Difference Between Curtesy and Etiquette

Now, in order not to be rejected in society, you have to meet certain expectations and develop certain interaction skills. Hence two very important concepts related to the way we relate to our fellow human beings: courtesy and etiquette.

If you do not know what the difference between the two is, keep reading, because we will explain it to you below.

COURTESY  Difference Between Curtesy and Etiquette

What is considered courtesy in one culture may not be in another, but in a general sense it is understood that this is a form of behavior that conforms to what the social context to which the individual belongs, considers appropriate or good.

We learn the rules of courtesy from a very young age, we learn them from parents, at school and also from other people around us.

Courtesy involves a series of general rules that everyone is expected to follow, such as: ask permission when we want to pass and someone is in the middle or say “cheers” when someone sneezes.

In a general sense, the rules of courtesy promote actions that take others into consideration and make them feel respected. In most cases, there is not much distinction between social classes when it comes to rules of courtesy. Someone from the middle class can show the same form of courtesy as someone from the upper or lower class.

Some of the most important rules of courtesy that almost all of us know are the following: respect the elderly, respect the property of others, do not talk about others behind their backs and do not speak rudely (as the doll does in the GIF above) .


On the other hand, the rules of etiquette are not as general as those of courtesy; they are more limited to certain contexts and certain social classes.

These types of rules tell us how to behave in specific environments, such as at a company event, at a restaurant outing, and at a formal party.

Some of the best known rules of courtesy are those that have to do with behavior at the table (what spoon to use, how to maintain your arms and posture), how to greet someone of great importance and how to dance at a formal party.

Mohammad Asif Goraya

M A Goraya has qualification of M.phil in Agricultural Sciences. He has almost 15 years of teaching Experience at college and university level. He likes to share his research based knowledge with his students and audience.

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