
Difference Between Drama and Novel

As they say, colors were made for tastes; in the same way, for each person who appreciates art and literature, the various literary genres were created, each with its special characteristics and with its own purpose. But in some cases, people can confuse these genders, since they are often related to each other.  Difference Between Drama and Novel

DRAMA  Difference Between Drama and Novel

In the literary sense, the term drama refers to a composition in prose or verse, which uses dialogue to present a story (especially intended to be acted or performed on stage) in which there are conflicts and situations between the actors. characters; for this reason, it is not surprising that the word drama is also associated with theater drama presents a written story in which each character plays a role in each situation and their interventions are reflected in the dialogues.

The word  theater  comes from the Greek ‘δρᾶμα’ which means to  do  or  act . Drama, in relation to theater, means that it is written to be acted out. It has elements of tragedy and comedy and like the first, it also had its origin in Greece. Additionally, drama when shown in the theater can also include songs, such as an opera. Be careful: although they are related, theater and drama are not the same.


The novel, on the other hand, is a story written for the purpose of being read; although at present some novels have been adapted to the cinema, the truth is that these are not written with the purpose of being acted out. The novel can be defined as a fictional narrative prose of considerable length and complexity; in which the characters are generally portrayed and presented in a sequential organization of actions and scenes.

In essence, the novel usually follows the following structure: beginning, middle, and end. It can be written in the first or third person. The events that occur can be described through dialogues, the thoughts of the characters can also be described; which is not possible in drama.

To make all this clearer, below we offer an example of what a story would be like if it were a drama or if, on the contrary, it was a novel.


[Mariana and Ana María enter the stage from the left side]

Mariana: look how beautiful the flowers are this morning.

Ana María: when you are sad as I am today, you do not appreciate the beauty of anything.

Mariana: you always say the same thing, apparently you have never been happy.

Ana María: at least I am aware that I am not, which I could not say about you.

Mariana: You don’t realize that it is your bitterness that leads you to think that we all hide behind the mask of happiness. Although it is hard for you to believe, since you only know pain; some of us have reason to be happy.

NOVEL Difference Between Drama and Novel

While contemplating the flowers one morning, Mariana and Ana María talked again. To start the dialogue, Mariana mentioned the beauty of flowers, but Ana María once again did not share her appreciation, claiming that sadness prevents her from seeing the beauty of things.

Mariana replies that from what she says and has always said, it follows that she has never been happy. Ana María, who deep down felt unmasked after this observation by Mariana; He replies that she is not hiding behind a mask of happiness.

To all this, Mariana replies that not everyone who claims to be happy wears a mask and that just because she does not know happiness does not mean that happy people do not exist. Again, Ana María was reflective when she noticed that what her partner said was true.

Key differences between drama and novel

  • The drama is written to be acted or interpreted on a stage and in it dialogue is used to present the story, while the novel is written with the purpose of being read; not acted.

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Mohammad Asif Goraya

M A Goraya has qualification of M.phil in Agricultural Sciences. He has almost 15 years of teaching Experience at college and university level. He likes to share his research based knowledge with his students and audience.

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