Health and Fitness

Difference Between Ice Cream and Cold Dessert

Almost all of us love desserts and more than one of us does not mind gaining a few kilos as long as we eat them in abundance. There are all kinds, colors and flavors; but in a general sense we know that most are characterized by their sweet taste. Difference Between Ice Cream and Cold Dessert

This time we will talk about two of the most common terms that we can find when it comes to desserts: ice cream and cold desserts, two different things that some even confuse.

If you don’t know what the difference is between cold dessert and ice cream or you just want a little more information about it, keep reading, because here we will give you a few details.

COLD DESSERT Difference Between Ice Cream and Cold Dessert

This is the name given to dishes that are characterized by their sweet taste and that are prepared using cooling techniques. Likewise, they can be prepared by freezing liquid, semi-liquid and sometimes solid ingredients as well.

Cold desserts are quite popular in the summer. Under this generic name you can find the most diverse styles of desserts that are prepared by cooling or freezing.

It is said that the first cold desserts began to be prepared in Asia, in the year 3000 BC when some Asian peoples realized that crushed ice was good to eat if you added some flavors. On the other hand, today we have an immense variety of desserts of this type, some of which even involve a heating process prior to freezing (as is the case with gelatins).

Jellies, ice cream, and frozen custard are some of the most common cold desserts. They can contain different ingredients such as flavored water, milk, cream, fruits.


On the other hand, ice cream is one of many types of cold desserts, which are usually made from dairy products. The main ingredients of this dessert are: milk, sugar, cream and flavorings.

Ice cream as we know it today is supposed to have been invented in Italy during the 17th century. Likewise, it is important to note that this dessert is usually also flavored with some seasonal fruits or other ingredients such as chocolate , cookies, cakes …

Finally, among all the cold desserts, ice cream is the one that is consumed most regularly.

Mohammad Asif Goraya

M A Goraya has qualification of M.phil in Agricultural Sciences. He has almost 15 years of teaching Experience at college and university level. He likes to share his research based knowledge with his students and audience.

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