
Difference Between Law and Regulation

Many times we see that the terms “law” and “regulation” are used in the same sentence, hence many get confused and believe that it is exactly the same thing, when in reality it is not. Those words differ from one another in several ways that must be known in order to avoid using them interchangeably. Difference Between Law and Regulation

If you have doubts about it or want a little more information about the difference between law and regulation , keep reading, because we will explain it to you below.

LAW Difference Between Law and Regulation

A law is a rule or guide that has been established by the social institutions that govern and work to control the behavior of citizens, that is, it is made by the official governments that are elected by the people who belong to a certain nation.

In other words, the law is what dictates what people should or should not do, knowing that they will receive a penalty if they do not comply with it. It is for this reason that before a law is accepted it must go through a review process in which the legislative representatives vote so that at the end, through the vote, it is decided whether or not it is approved.

The process described above varies depending on the government system that governs each country, for example, if it is an autocratic government, it is the leader or ruler who dictates the laws, while within a democracy it is not the ruler who determines the laws. to apply; rather, these are submitted to voting and those who vote are the representatives of the people who work in the various government areas.

There are several types of laws, for example: civil laws, criminal laws, and international laws.


A regulation can be defined as a monitoring process aimed at enforcing the laws and written instruments that contain the laws.

Regulations establish limits between the rights and duties of citizens . They can be presented in different ways, either as a legal restriction, contractual obligation, self-regulation, co-regulation, certification, accreditation, among others.

Simply put, regulations secure or spell out the details for laws or legislations to go into effect. They are the responsibility of the executive branch.

Mohammad Asif Goraya

M A Goraya has qualification of M.phil in Agricultural Sciences. He has almost 15 years of teaching Experience at college and university level. He likes to share his research based knowledge with his students and audience.

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