Education and Pedagogy

Difference between Professor and Teacher

Education is a process that takes place throughout life. It is the one that is in charge of preparing the individual so that he can join the society in which he develops and at the same time be productive for it.  Difference between Professor and Teacher

In the educational field, especially in the context of formal education; We often hear about three concepts that at first glance seem to be synonymous: educator, teacher, and professor. But if we analyze well, we will realize that these terms actually describe different things.

If you have doubts about it or did you come here because they left you this topic as homework, today is your lucky day; because below we clarify what is the difference between each one.

EDUCATOR  Difference between Professor and Teacher

As the word itself says, educator is the person who educates. But education does not only occur in schools, academies or universities; it also takes place at home and in the social environment.

Many people believe that only one who has been systematically prepared for such action is an educator, but that is not entirely correct; because a person who transmits values ​​and teachings to other individuals is an educator.

A mother who teaches her children how to behave, who tells her when to say thank you, how to say hello… is educating; therefore, she is an educator.

An educator may not have much scientific knowledge, but still transmit values ​​and customs to other people and that is part of education. If we think about it a bit, we can realize that certainly the act of educating is not limited to the formal institutions in charge of such a task. For example, when someone passes in the middle of two people who are talking and does not ask for permission; He is probably branded as having little or no education, however, as we can see, “asking for permission” has nothing to do with scientific knowledge; but with the values ​​that people are taught and which are learned regardless of never having been in a school.

Parents, religious institutions, and even some community associations can play the role of educators; even without having studied pedagogy.


Teacher is the individual who has studied and who has been scientifically prepared to teach.

Whoever works as a teacher has pedagogical instruction to guide or direct the teaching-learning process so that students can achieve the best possible results and acquire knowledge that allows them to function better in certain contexts.

Teachers work in formal educational institutions and are responsible for transmitting the scientific knowledge that others have provided to humanity. It could be said that a teacher is a spokesperson for scientific researchers and other people who make or have made some contribution of knowledge.

An example of a teacher is one who teaches Newton’s Laws to his high school students.

Note: The word “teacher” can also be used to refer to a person who has completed a master’s degree in a certain area of ​​study.


The word professor comes from the term profess, which in turn derives from the Latin profiteri (to declare in public). A teacher is a professional trained to do what a teacher does (transmit scientific knowledge), but the difference between a teacher and a teacher is that the latter not only transmits the knowledge that others have contributed; rather, he is someone who investigates and contributes new knowledge as a result of his investigations.

In short, given that scientific knowledge continues to advance and new knowledge is being incorporated at every moment; Teachers and professors must remain in constant training, so that in this way they do not confuse students with erroneous or outdated information.

Something important that should be mentioned is that in education professionals different combinations of elements can be presented, for example; you can be a teacher, teacher and educator, teacher, teacher and educator. We have already mentioned the characteristics of teachers and teachers, but if we say that someone is a teacher and educator, we are referring to a person who, in addition to transmitting scientific knowledge, also educates in values and is interested in the integrity of the individuals to whom educate. Whereas if we say that someone is a teacher and educator, what we are proposing is that that person transmits knowledge, contributes new knowledge and educates in values.

It is important that we understand the aforementioned, because there are cases in which a subject can only be a teacher or professor and not take into account the moral and emotional elements of others.

Key differences between educator, teacher and professor

  1. Educator is anyone who educates in values ​​(and does not necessarily have to be a professional). A teacher is someone who has studied, has pedagogical knowledge, and teaches scientific knowledge. The teacher is one who not only transmits knowledge that others have contributed, but also investigates and makes their own contributions.
Mohammad Asif Goraya

M A Goraya has qualification of M.phil in Agricultural Sciences. He has almost 15 years of teaching Experience at college and university level. He likes to share his research based knowledge with his students and audience.

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