Education and Pedagogy

Difference between Riddle and Puzzle

It is normal to be a little confused about the difference between riddle and puzzle, after all they both serve the same purpose, which is to challenge people and test their brain or reasoning abilities. Difference between Riddle and Puzzle

Likewise, both puzzles and riddles help in the acquisition of new knowledge and in the development of logical thinking; however, it is good to know that the two concepts are not interchangeable and that riddles are not the same as puzzles.

If you have doubts about it, continue reading, because below we will explain the difference between a puzzle and a riddle.

RIDDLE  Difference between Riddle and Puzzle

A riddle is a type of statement, question, or phrase whose purpose is to make people think. It has a correct answer, which is the one that the person must guess or deduce from the information that is offered.

In many cases, the riddles have a double meaning and usually also rhyme (this last characteristic is not found in all riddles).

Example: ‘A dry white old woman melting the butter’ – The candle.

‘Black on the inside, black on the outside; it is my heart black wood ‘- The olive.


On the other hand, a puzzle is a type of game, problem or toy whose purpose is to test people’s knowledge or naivety. Puzzles must be solved using logical reasoning.

Generally, puzzles have a certain number of pieces that must be ordered and placed in their precise place. When all the pieces are put together correctly, then the answer to the problem is obtained.

There are many types of puzzles, such as crosswords, for example, form pictures, puzzles with numbers, the Rubik’s cube, among others.

Key differences between riddle and puzzle

  1. Riddles are generally verbal, whereas puzzles are tangible things.
  2. Riddles are intended to make people think and reflect, while puzzles seek to test people’s ability to reason.

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Mohammad Asif Goraya

M A Goraya has qualification of M.phil in Agricultural Sciences. He has almost 15 years of teaching Experience at college and university level. He likes to share his research based knowledge with his students and audience.

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