Natural Sciences

Difference Between Steel and Aluminum

Steel and aluminum are very common elements that we use on a daily basis and that are present in many of the things that surround us. While one is the most popular of its kind, the other is the most abundant metal on Earth, but while they are often used in similar ways, it’s good to be clear that they are different substances. Difference Between Steel and Aluminum

If you have doubts about it or just want a little more information, keep reading, because below we will explain what the difference between aluminum and steel is.

ALUMINUM  Difference Between Steel and Aluminum

Aluminum is an element found in the earth’s crust . It is the third most abundant among all those recorded in the periodic table, but the most abundant of all metals. It is not soluble in water and its color ranges from silver to dull gray.

It is a soft, resistant, light substance, non-magnetic and ductile by nature since it is highly reactive in its pure state. Normally it is combined with more than 270 types of metals among which bauxite prevails.

Although it is believed that it was used for different purposes by the ancient Greeks and Romans, aluminum was first successfully mined in its pure state in 1827 by Friedrich Wöhler.

Due to its low density and resistance to corrosion, aluminum is frequently used in applications for vehicles, aircraft, household utensils, and structural materials. Also, due to its reactive characteristics, it is used as a catalyst and additive in explosives.


On the other hand, steel is an alloyed metal, which means that it is the result of mixing one or more metallic elements with non-metallic elements. It is usually made by combining iron and carbon, although it could also be mixed with manganese, chromium, tungsten, and vanadium. The hardness, ductility and resistance of the scratch will depend on the way in which the elements that compose it have been mixed.

Although this metal has been known for approximately 4,000 years, it was not widely produced until the 17th century thanks to the introduction of the Bessemer process which makes steel production cheaper, more efficient and easier.

Finally, both aluminum and steel are recyclable and do not lose their properties during the recycling process.

Mohammad Asif Goraya

M A Goraya has qualification of M.phil in Agricultural Sciences. He has almost 15 years of teaching Experience at college and university level. He likes to share his research based knowledge with his students and audience.

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