Natural Sciences

Difference Between Tidal Wave and Tsunami

Both tsunamis and tidal waves are natural disasters of epic proportions that throughout history have caused great devastation in terms of property damage and loss of life, however, although both share these characteristics, the truth is that it is about different phenomena.  Difference Between Tidal Wave and Tsunami

They do not always present the same magnitude and it is precisely this last element that determines the level of destruction that they leave behind.

If you have doubts about it or just want a little more information on this topic, keep reading, because below we will explain what the difference is between tsunami and tsunami, two natural phenomena of which we should all have at least an idea. .

SEAQUAKE  Difference Between Tidal Wave and Tsunami

A tidal wave is nothing more than an earthquake whose epicenter is located in the sea. A number of factors can cause a tsunami, such as: a landslide under the sea, volcanic collapse and other disturbances under water.


On the other hand, a tsunami is a series of huge waves that come out of the sea and engulf everything that is in their way. They are also caused by landslides and earthquakes that take place on or even below the ocean floor.

Movement on the ocean floor causes a large volume of water to move and take the form of gigantic waves that move at high speed and cause terrible damage to properties, especially those found on the coasts. Almost every time a tsunami is experienced in the coastal zone, it is caused by an earthquake that occurs very close to the coast or some distance in the ocean .

Finally, most tsunamis are the result of earthquakes that cause subduction of the oceanic plates, that is, they cause them to be pushed down the continental plate.

Mohammad Asif Goraya

M A Goraya has qualification of M.phil in Agricultural Sciences. He has almost 15 years of teaching Experience at college and university level. He likes to share his research based knowledge with his students and audience.

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