Education with nature

Difference between wasp and bee sting

A bee is not the same as a wasp. Everything and that these flying insects may seem similar at first glance, they are completely different. Not even his dreaded bite is the same. In this article we explain all their differences and similarities so that when you see them you can distinguish them perfectly. wasp and bee sting

Bees can only sting once. Instead, wasps can do it multiple times.

Wasps vs Bees. Main differences

  • Phenotypically, wasps differ from bees by their color. Wasps are black or brown with yellow lines, (although some species are completely black). For their part, bees are brown with more defined yellow lines.
  • Another difference lies in the sting of both. The bees can only sting once, since they die in the act in which they prick with the stinger. On the other hand, wasps can sting over and over again without risking their life since it really is a bite.
  • Regarding the social structure, bees develop more in groups than individually. For its part, it is less common to see a hive of wasps, since they are almost always alone.
  • In bee hives, only one female can lay eggs (the queen), while wasps, being solitary, can conceive any female.
  • The warns barely have hair; while bees have a considerable amount of hair.
How is a bee different from a wasp?

What is a wasp? wasp and bee sting

The term wasp includes different groups of insects of the order “Hymenoptera” (Order of insects that includes bees, bumblebees, wasps and ants).

Another definition says that any hymenopteran not classified as ant or bee is called a wasp. For its part, the RAE classifies any hymenoptera with a size of approximately 1.5 cm as wasp, and up to 5 cm in the case of the giant hornet.

On the other hand, it should be noted that wasps are divided into two groups; one is that of solitary wasps, and the other that of social ones. Most adult solitary wasps do not build nests, they work and live alone, and all are fertile.

Characteristics of wasps wasp and bee sting

Like all insects, wasps have certain characteristics; among them we can find that almost all wasp species have two pairs of wings, except for a few small groups.

Wasps have an ovipositor or stinger, which is only found in females. On the other hand, it should also be noted that wasps have very little thick hair (if they ever have).

Most wasps are terrestrial, and only a handful of them (Parasites) are aquatic.

Finally, note that wasps are predators or parasitoids of other terrestrial insects such as spiders.

The wasp sting

The wasp sting is really a bite. For this reason, unlike bees, they can bite once and again. The same wasp can make several stings without putting its life at risk. You will agree with us when we say that it is better not to make the wasps angry and that it is better to take extra precaution with these insects.

What is a bee?

Bees are a group of hymenopteran insects, a monophyletic lineage with more than 20,000 known species. Bees come from wasps, it is said that they evolved from them.

These insects form colonies, consisting of a single fertilized queen (Queen), sterile females that are the workers, and some males known as drones.

These bees, producing both honey and wax, are found throughout the world with the exception of Antarctica.

Characteristics of bees

Bees have a size and weight that varies according to the species. However, the size ranges from 2 to 40 millimeters; in terms of weight, it ranges from 140 to 350 milligrams. Of course, queen bees are an exception and have a greater size and weight than the other bees in the hive.

On the other hand, mention that bees are herbivorous, although they can become carnivorous when under stress. Regarding communication, bees communicate through movements in flight.

Regarding the social structure, these are divided into three groups: Social, semisocial and solitary. The social ones are the domestic bees, the semi-social ones that live in groups and form colonies, but they are not as durable or common.

Mohammad Asif Goraya

M A Goraya has qualification of M.phil in Agricultural Sciences. He has almost 15 years of teaching Experience at college and university level. He likes to share his research based knowledge with his students and audience.

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