Education and Culture

Difference Types of Report Writing with Proper Definition and Brief Explanation

A report is a well-organized and methodical document that defines and analyzes a certain problem or problem. The main purpose of a report is to provide information to your readers. Reports are used in different professions, and there are several types of reports that vary depending on the purpose. Therefore, we are going to look at the different types of reports written in this article. We will focus our attention, especially on the informal and formal report formats.                              Difference Types of Report Writing

However, always keep in mind that there is no universally accepted format for writing reports. You must follow the format established by your company or course.

Informal report                           Difference Types of Report Writing

The purpose of an informal report is to inform, analyze and recommend. It usually takes the form of a note, letter, or a very short document such as a monthly financial report, research and development report, etc. This report is shorter and more informal than a formal report. It is written in accordance with the style and rules of the organization, but generally does not include preliminary and supplementary material. The informal report generally has a more conversational tone and generally deals with the day-to-day problems and issues of an organization. Sales reports, lab reports, progress reports, service reports, etc. are some examples of this type of report.

An informal report usually consists of 

  • Introduction
  • Discussion
  • Recommendations and reference

Introduction                                   Difference Types of Report Writing

Mention the general problem first, so readers can understand the context. Then state the specific question or tasks that arise from the problem you will be faced with. Finally, explain the purpose of the trial and the expected results. Since this is an informal and short report, this part does not need to be long. Two or three sentences will be enough.


Present your findings clearly and briefly, in an appropriate method. You can use lists, tables, graphs, etc. with adequate explanations. Present your results in descending order of importance. In this way, the most important information will be read first. This will be the longest part of your report, as it contains the most important information.

Conclusions and recommendations

The conclusion of a report, as intended, should remind the reader of what actions need to be taken. Recommendations section may not be necessary unless requested. It depends on the policy of the company / organization.

Official report

The purpose of a formal report is to collect and interpret data and report information. The formal report is complex and lengthy, and can even be produced in bound book volumes. A formal letter generally consists of

  • Title page
  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • Method / methodology
  • Results / findings
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • recommendations
  • Appendices
  • Bibliography

Title page: The title page should contain the title of the report, the name of the author, the name of the course (if written by a student) or the company and the date

Executive Summary: Executive Summary is the summary of the entire report in a logical order. This should highlight the purpose, research methods, findings, conclusions, and recommendations. An executive summary must be written in the past tense and must not be more than 1 page. Although this section is included in the first part of the report, it is easier to write this part, after completing the rest of the report.

Introduction: The introduction should contain the main problem, its importance and the objectives of the investigation. The background and context of the report is also included in this part.

Method / Methodology:  This is the section where you explain the methods used in your research. If it is a scientific investigation, you can describe the experimental procedures.

Results \ Findings: This section presents the results or findings of your project / research. You can also present data using visual methods like tables, graphs, etc. However, do not interpret the results here.

Discussion: In this section, you can explain what the above results mean. You can also analyze, interpret, and evaluate data, observe trends, and compare results with theory. In general, this is known as the most important part of the report.

Conclusions: This is a brief summary of the results. The conclusion should not be confused with the Results / Findings section, as the conclusion is a simplification of the problem that can be reasonably deduced from the findings.

Recommendations: In the recommendations section, appropriate changes, solutions should be provided.

Appendices: This contains attachments relevant to the report. For example, surveys, questionnaires, etc.

Bibliography: This is the list of all the references cited.

Mohammad Asif Goraya

M A Goraya has qualification of M.phil in Agricultural Sciences. He has almost 15 years of teaching Experience at college and university level. He likes to share his research based knowledge with his students and audience.

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