
what is the main difference between Mitosis and Meiosis

All cells follow a process of division and this process is very relevant in their life cycle. Cell division represents 10% of the cell cycle. It is a process by which a stem cell divides into two or more daughter cellswhat is the main difference between Mitosis and Meiosis

There are three main types of cell division processes : binary fission , mitosis, and meiosis .

Next we are going to explain what the difference is between mitosis and meiosis, since they probably left it for you as homework at school.

Note: binary fission takes place in prokaryotic cells, that is, in unicellular organisms that lack a cell nucleus. Only eukaryotic cells, which are those that have multicellular organisms; whose cells contain complex structures within their membranes, undergo mitosis or meiosis . (All these processes are methods of reproduction and replication the DNA ).

MITOSIS  what is the main difference between Mitosis and Meiosis

Mitosis is the process by which a eukaryotic cell separates the chromosomes in its nucleus , resulting in two identical sets . These are called ” daughter cells.”

Essentially , one cell ( the mother cell ) divides into two cells ( the daughter cells ), which are identical to it . This is done by dividing the nucleus of the original cell into two parts . The daughter cells contain the same number of chromosomes as the cell mother.

Mitosis is a form of asexual reproduction This allows an organism to clone exact copies of the original cell . This method of reproduction is fast and efficient , however, it does not allow for diversity; since all products are identical to the cell from which they originate.


Meiosis, on the other hand, is a type of sexual reproduction . It is a special type of cell division necessary for sexual reproduction in eukaryotes.

The cells resulting from meiosis are gametes or spores . Gametes are sperm and ovules in most organisms (they are sex cells) , common in both animals and plants.

In the process of meiosis , a cell that contains two copies of each chromosome , one from the mother and one from the father ( the zygote – which is a female egg fertilized by male sperm ), produces four cells that contain a copy of each chromosome. The result is unique mix of maternal and paternal DNA This allows the offspring to be genetically different from either parent . Meiosis introduces genetic diversity within the population.

Meiosis differs from mitosis in important ways . First, because it produces four daughter cells with half the chromosomes of the original cells while mitosis produces two daughter cells with a chromosome number identical to the original cell . Second , meiosis leaves room for genetic diversity ; since it allows the mixing of chromosomes , while in mitosis this does not occur . Finally, mitosis is a method of asexual reproduction, while meiosis is sexual.

Key differences between meiosis and mitosis

  1. Mitosis is asexual, while meiosis is sexual.
  2. In mitosis, the stem cell divides in two; while in meiosis it is divided into four.
  3. In meiosis, daughter cells have only half the chromosomes of the original cells; while in mitosis the number of chromosomes is the same in both stem cells and daughters.
  4. Mitosis occurs in all organisms with eukaryotic cells, while meiosis only occurs in organisms whose reproduction is sexual (that is, they need both parents).
Mohammad Asif Goraya

M A Goraya has qualification of M.phil in Agricultural Sciences. He has almost 15 years of teaching Experience at college and university level. He likes to share his research based knowledge with his students and audience.

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