Difference between Hard work and Smart work
Most gurus and self-help books would agree with this fact: that to be successful you need to work hard until you reach your goal. Some even claim that to achieve your dream you have to give everything and your best from the moment you get up in the morning until you fall asleep at night. Now, although these ideas contain some truth, the truth is that following these tips are not a guarantee of success; In addition, there are those who can perform a job of equal or greater impact than that carried out by a hard worker in even less time than the latter and more efficiently . Difference between Hard work and Smart work
Taking into account the aforementioned, you are surely wondering what exactly the difference is between hard work and smart work. If you have doubts about it or are simply looking for a little more information to complement what you already know, then keep reading, because below we explain everything you need to know about this topic.
HARD WORK Difference between Hard work and Smart work
To begin with, it is good to point out some negative aspects that may arise in the work life of some people who “work hard”.
- They work hard, but at the end of the day they question what their contribution has been.
- They don’t feel like they are getting the recognition they deserve.
- They rarely feel that they have accomplished enough.
- Despite working very hard, they feel that the list of things to do is endless.
From the aforementioned, it is clear (although not always the case) that working hard can have a somewhat more conventional and traditionalist connotation about how to work. Likewise, working hard can refer to following an old and outdated style of work, using conventional techniques, and doing it tediously.
Many of the hard working people use the same ideas that have been used before.
One of the best ways to know if the hard work is worth it is to identify what has been the achievement and what has been achieved that can be shown to others. If you have nothing or achieved nothing, then it is good to start considering smart work instead of hard work.
On the other hand, a smart worker is someone who knows what needs to be done and what needs to be done, sets realistic and achievable goals. Basically, it is someone who identifies the best way to do a job.
Smart work involves the ability to adapt to change. The ideas and techniques used before are modified to achieve better results in the present, that is, productivity is improved . When you do smart work, innovation is rewarded.
Finally, the smart worker instead of working all the time establishes schedules and dates in which each task must be completed, as well as, establishes clear goals and prioritizes the most important tasks at the time of work.