Difference Between Civil and Citizen

More often than you think, people get confused when using the terms “civil” and “citizen”; which is not at all unreasonable if you take into account that they sound very similar and both are used to describe the state of a person within society. Difference Between Civil and Citizen

However, although there may be some similarities, it is important to note that these two words have different meanings and should not always be used in the same contexts.

If you have doubts about the difference between a citizen and a civilian or are simply looking for a little more information to complement what you already know, then continue reading, because below we explain everything you need to know about to this interesting topic.

CITIZEN  Difference Between Civil and Citizen

This term denotes a person who is generally accepted as a resident of a country and, therefore, is subject to its government. How the person has acquired citizenship is not taken into account when considering it or not as a citizen. It can be native or naturalized, that is, by birth or by moving to the country and becoming a citizen.

Basically, anyone who is recognized by the government and authorities as a resident of a country is called a citizen. Such recognition guarantees the person that their rights and freedoms will be protected and provided by the government of the country to which they belong, as well as must comply with the duties that that nation imposes on citizens.


On the other hand, the term civil denotes any person who is not part of the military or armed forces of a country or nation . It can then be said that any “regular person” is a civilian, as long as he is not an active part of the military organizations.

Finally, both the term “civil” and “citizen” are independent of each other. Not all citizens are civilians, but with the exception of tourists and other temporary visitors (who are citizens in their respective countries), all civilians are citizens.

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