There is a clear distinction between them without any doubt. The problem is that confusion is generated many times between…
For us to distinguish between idealism and realism, we must first understand the meaning of these two concepts. Idealism is…
Thomas Hobbes and John Locke were known as the natural law and social contract theorists. However, The two differ greatly…
The word "liberal" has strong connotations in modern political discussions. Many people self-identify as liberal in their political views, but avoid…
Confucianism and Taoism are two of the most popular philosophies or ideologies that are followed even today, not only by the number of…
Analysis is a process of deduction or decomposition in which we reduce and examine something part by part. When analyzed, general…
When human beings seek to achieve precise knowledge to understand various phenomena or immediate reality, it is necessary to resort…
From the conquests of Alejando Magno, Greece began its greatest cultural expansion in history. All the Greek ideal, knowledge and…
Inductive and deductive are two different reasoning methods, which are also widely applied both in Philosophy and in almost all scientific…
When we speak of epistemology or the study of knowledge, we cannot fail to mention realism and nominalism. These philosophies were…