Difference b/w Organic and Inorganic Compounds

In other times, the form that was commonly used to establish a differentiation between which ones corresponded to  organic compounds and which ones to inorganic ones was the fact that the first group was considered as a result of the activity of living beings, while the second group was of natural processes not related to any form of life or simply to the intervention or experimentation of humans in laboratories.  Difference b/w Organic and Inorganic Compounds

However, today those definitions are not enough; since today there are organic compounds that have been artificially created by humans. In addition, organic compounds have been found outside the Earth, where there are no living things.

There are those who make the difference based on the presence or absence of carbon, but even in this case a conclusion would not be one hundred percent correct. There are already several criteria that must be taken into account to establish a classification and we will explain what they are below.

ORGANIC COMPOUND  Difference b/w Organic and Inorganic Compounds

One of the main characteristics of organic compounds and that differentiates them from inorganic ones is the fact that they have carbon-hydrogen bonds. Likewise, they do not contain metal atoms, although it may be the case that this truth does not apply.

In this same order, organic compounds are part of a class of chemical compounds, that is, those in whose molecules hydrogen and carbon are present. Under this logic it is understood that carbonates, carbon oxides and elemental carbon do not qualify as “organic compounds”.


On the other hand, inorganic compounds do not contain carbon-hydrogen bonds and, unlike the first group, they do have metal atoms. These compounds are mineral in nature , that is, they mostly come from some mineral source and not of biological origin.

Finally, what constitutes an organic or inorganic element has changed over time and there are still some doubts about what exactly it is that makes the difference; However, with the data that we have just shared with you, you can have a clearer idea about the criteria that are taken into account to classify them.

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