
Difference Between Analog and Digital Signal

Both analog and digital signals are used to transmit information, generally through electrical impulses. In both cases, the information, whether through radio, television is propagated by means of electrical signals; however there are differences between analog and digital signals. Difference Between Analog and Digital Signal

If you want to know what distinguishes an analog signal from a digital one, just keep reading, because we will explain it to you below.

ANALOG  Difference Between Analog and Digital Signal

Analog signals are continuous and represented with physical measurements. They are spread by sine waves and can only be read by devices capable of interpreting analog signals. They are best suited for streaming audio and video.

Also, analog signal processing can be carried out in real time and consumes less bandwidth compared to digital signal processing. In addition, the cost is lower and in the case of sound, some claim that analog recordings are more faithful than digital ones. However, some disturbances in analog signals can cause the information to present irreparable errors, unlike digital signals in which errors can be more easily corrected by substituting, deleting or inserting symbols.

Another disadvantage of analog signals when compared to digital ones is that when trying to copy the information, the copies are not as good as the original; something that does not happen with digital signals that can be copied indefinitely without their quality varying.

Currently many devices have the facility to work analog and digital signals. Microphones and speakers are good examples of analog devices, but despite the fact that this type of technology is cheaper; there are many limitations on the amount (size) of data that can be transmitted at any one time.


Digital signals, unlike analog signals, carry information through binary code ( 0 or 1 ); where each bit is a representation of two different amplitudes.

Digital signals are not continuous, but discrete and generated by digital modulation. In this case the waves are not sinusoidal, but square.

Some examples of digital devices or devices are computers, CDs, DVDs, among others. When information is transmitted via digital signals, it is less likely to deteriorate or be affected by noise compared to analog signals.

Finally, despite the cost of digital technology being much higher compared to analog, it has prevailed in the market; since it offers more facilities to users who need to share large amounts of information.

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Mohammad Asif Goraya

M A Goraya has qualification of M.phil in Agricultural Sciences. He has almost 15 years of teaching Experience at college and university level. He likes to share his research based knowledge with his students and audience.

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