Difference Between Arthritis and Arthrosis

Arthritis and osteoarthritis sound like they are similar diseases . Both affect the bones, ligaments, and joints; In addition, they share many of the symptoms, including joint stiffness and pain. However, despite the details in common, understanding the difference between these two health problems is important. Difference Between Arthritis and Arthrosis

If you have doubts about it or just want a little more information about this interesting and often even confusing topic, keep reading, because below we provide an explanation that can help you correctly distinguish between arthritis and osteoarthritis.

ARTHRITIS  Difference Between Arthritis and Arthrosis

Arthritis comprises a number of terms. This word is used to describe some conditions that cause inflammation in the joints. In some cases, the inflammations can also affect the skin, muscles or organs. Some examples are: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Symptoms of arthritis can vary greatly depending on each case, but pain and stiffness in the joints is usually present in most cases. Other common symptoms are: joint swelling, flushed skin in affected areas, poor mobility in affected joint areas.


On the other hand, osteoarthritis is another name for osteoarthritis, therefore, it is a type of arthritis; the most common of all. It is caused by the wear and tear of joints and cartilage. The latter are slippery tissues that cover the endings of the bones and help in the mobility of the joints.

With the passage of time the cartilage can deteriorate and even disappear completely, this results in direct contact between the bones in the joints; hence pain, stiffness, and sometimes swelling.

Osteoarthritis can affect any of the body’s joints, but it occurs most often in the hands, neck, knees, and hips. The risk of suffering from this disease increases with age.

The most common symptoms of osteoarthritis are: pain and stiffness in the joints, tenderness around the affected joints, reduced flexibility in the affected areas, bones rubbing against each other, bone spurs or small extra growths of the bones around the affected joints.

Finally, there are many factors that intervene in the development of these diseases; such as: age, gender, weight, injuries, joint deformity, occupation and genes.

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