Difference Between Birth Defect and Mutation

Both birth defects and mutations are things no parent wants to think about, given how difficult these situations are to deal with. However, sadly in this world these things happen, and all those people who decide to procreate should be well informed about what they are and how one condition differs from the other; as well as they must also be aware of the impact that either of these two problems would have on the baby and the whole family.  Difference Between Birth Defect and Mutation

If you have doubts about the difference between mutation and birth defect or are simply looking for a little more information to complement what you already know, continue reading, because below we explain everything you need to know in around this interesting topic.

BIRTH DEFECT  Difference Between Birth Defect and Mutation

Birth defects are conditions that exist since the baby is born. They can occur at the time of delivery, before delivery, and even while the baby is in the womb. They are also known as congenital diseases or disorders.

There are many types of birth defects, and each can be caused by multiple factors. Any substance that causes them is known as a teratogen. Examples of this type of substance would be alcohol , tobacco and drugs.

Congenital disorders can be physical or mental. For example, cleft lip, congenital heart disease, problems in psychomotor development; among many others. Some defects do not require treatment and do not have such a damaging impact on the baby; however, in a large number of cases it is necessary to undergo surgical procedures or special medical treatments.


On the other hand, a mutation is a type of birth defect or congenital condition; but although mutations are generally thought to be bad and harmful, this is not necessarily the case. In fact, if it weren’t for many timely mutations, modern humans probably wouldn’t even exist.

Many mutations help us to change and adapt for the better, however, sometimes those modifications do not work and complicate the life of the individual; sometimes they can even be fatal.

A mutation is a change in the DNA sequence , said change can be minor and have no impact on the person’s life; but it could also lead to serious abnormalities

Finally, despite the advances that have been made in the field of science and technology have made it possible for scientists to determine the presence of birth defects even since the baby is in the mother’s womb, there are still many people who do not have access to this type of health service; in addition, there is still a lack of improvement in this and other aspects.

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