Difference Between Clones and Twins

Twins and clones are issues that scientists pay a lot of attention to, especially when it comes to human cloning, which is still under investigation and debate. Difference Between Clones and Twins

Although clones and twins resemble their counterparts, they differ from each other in many ways, especially in the accumulation of their genetics. There are two different types of twins: identical and fraternal. Of these, only identical ones resemble their twins in appearance. But in addition to these details there are others that you need to know to really understand what the difference is between twins and clones.

TWINS Difference Between Clones and Twins

When a woman gives birth to two babies in the same pregnancy, they are considered to be twins. Twins can be of two types: fraternal or identical or in technical terms: dizygotic and monozygotic respectively.

  The moment a woman conceives a child, there is a zygote that is fertilized by a sperm, giving rise to a baby. Now, in the case of fraternal twins or twins, two zygotes are simultaneously released from the ovaries and two sperm fertilize them, producing two embryos. In the case of identical twins, a zygote is fertilized by a sperm; However the zygote divides and forms two embryos. This is the reason why identical ones look alike, while twins don’t look alike.

The division of the zygote into two separate embryos is a random event and is not an inherited trait. The g monozygotic emelos can also be created artificially, for this commonly uses IVF (in vitro fertilization). Twins differ genotypically and phenotypically from each other.


Cloning is the process by which scientists and doctors create an exact genetic copy of an organism. It includes the creation of copies of DNA fragments (molecular cloning) or other organisms (cell cloning) Cloning has become popular in recent times, as attempts are frequently made to recreate DNA structures in order to cure diseases.

Cloning is incredibly expensive and a good result cannot always be guaranteed. Some successful cloning has been done in animals, but this has not yet had good results in humans.

 There are two types of cloning, the one carried out for therapeutic or research purposes and the one for the reproductive aspect. In the first , embryos are produced in order to study their development and understand or treat rare diseases. The second is done in order to provide offspring to people who cannot have children normally.

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