Difference Between Donut and Bagel

Both donuts and bagels have evolved to become an important part of breakfast in different countries. For years, the popularity of both foods has been growing in the western hemisphere of the world, especially in the United Kingdom and the United States. Difference Between Donut and Bagel

Both are marketed in a similar way (round with a hole through the middle), so naturally it is not surprising that many people get confused and come to believe that they are the same thing; which is not true.

If you have doubts about the difference between bagel and donut or are simply looking for a little more information to complement what you already know, then keep reading, because below we explain everything you need to know about to this interesting topic.

BAGEL Difference Between Donut and Bagel

The bagel is prepared by forming a firm dough of high gluten flour or bread flour. Said dough is first molded into the classic way a bagel is consumed, that is, it is given a round shape and then it is drilled to mark the hole in the middle.

After this, the bagel is boiled in water for about two minutes, until the starch it contains is completely gelatinized. Once this process is finished, the bagel is ready to acquire a crunchy texture that differentiates it from the donut.

The boiled bagel is then placed in the oven at 500 degrees Fahrenheit for about ten to fifteen minutes.


On the other hand, donuts are more appreciated among food lovers, especially among those who love sweets . These are made of a lighter dough than that of bagels, said dough is first left with yeast, baking powder or any other chemical that is used in these cases.

The process followed to make the donuts is similar to that of the bagels, since they are prepared with the same ring shape and fried in oil. The difference in this case is that the donuts are not boiled before frying, although they can be put in the oven if you want a healthier alternative and avoid frying.

Finally, apart from the preparation, donuts and bagels also differ in how they are covered. The first ones are put sesame seeds, garlic and other types of seeds and then they are just covered with a soft layer of cream cheese; while donuts are often topped with jam , cream, and other toppings like caramel, chocolate, and colorful sprinkles.

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