What is the Difference Between Get and Put in C Language? with Proper Definition and Brief Explanation

The main difference between gets and puts in C language is that gets is a function that reads a string from standard input while puts is a function that prints a string to standard output.

C is a general purpose high-level programming language. It is a structured programming language that helps to write efficient programs. Furthermore, the C language is useful for developing operating systems, language compilers, assemblers, network drivers, databases, and many other applications. In fact, C is the most popular system programming language today. Also, there are several predefined functions available in the C language for use when writing programs; get and put are two of them. The definitions for these two functions are IN header file.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is put in C language?
     – Definition, Functionality
2. What is put in C language?
     – Definition, Functionality
3. What is the difference between get and put in C language?
     – Comparison of key differences

Key terms

C language, get, put

What is put in C language

The get function helps to get a string from a standard input device, such as a keyboard. An example of a program is the following.

                                                         Figure 1: Program with gets

Here, the string is a character type variable, which can store 20 characters. Also, the printf function displays the prompt for inputting a string. When the user enters the string, the get function reads that string and stores it in the str variable. Finally, the printf function prints the value of str to the console.

What is put in C language

The put function helps to display a string to a standard output device, such as a monitor. Adds a new line character to the output. An example of a program is the following.

                                                           Figure 2: Program with puts

Here, the str is a character type variable. It has the value “apple”. Also, the put function displays the value stored in the str variable to the console.

Difference Between Gets and Puts in C Language


First of all, “gets” is a C library function that reads a line from standard input (standard input) and stores it in the named string. In contrast, “put” is a C library function that writes a string to standard or standard output. So, this is the basic difference between them.


The get statement is char * gets (char * str). The put statement is int puts (const char * str).


The main difference between them is their functionality. The get feature helps you scan a line of text from a standard input device. The put function helps to display a string to a standard output device.

Return Type

The gets function returns a string on success; however, it will return NULL or EOF if there are no characters to read. However, the put function returns a non-negative value on success; if unsuccessful, it will return EOF (End of File). So this is also a difference between them.


In a nutshell, get and put are two important C library functions. The difference between them is that get is a function that reads a string from standard input, while put is a function that prints a string. on the standard output.


1. “C Library Function – Get().” Www.tutorialspoint.com, available here.
2.”C Library Function – Puts().” Www.tutorialspoint.com, available here.

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