The health problems that affect people are very varied and often very complex. Medicine as a general science has seen the need to be divided into many branches, so that in this way specialists can focus on certain problems; since it would be impossible for a doctor to study, understand and become an expert on health problems in a general sense. Difference between Gynecologist and Obstetrician
Some studies suggest that it is women, and not men, who mostly make medical visits. And since we are talking about women, it is important to know about two types of specialists in charge of women’s health: gynecologists and obstetricians.
Gynecologists are doctors who care for problems with the reproductive system of women. They especially deal with problems related to the ovaries, uterus, and vagina. They treat a number of conditions and disorders that could occur in women, such as irregular menstruation cycle, polycystic ovaries, and inflection of the walls of the uterus.
Gynecologists may also work in fields such as contraception, menopause, colposcopy, reproductive medicine, and urogynecology.
Obstetricians also take care of women’s health, but they attend to situations that are related to motherhood. They are the ones who take care of pregnant women.
Your role may also include assisting in pregnancy planning. They may specialize in fields such as fetal medicine, maternal medicine, and childbirth care.
Unlike gynecologists, obstetricians only take care of pregnant women. It is important to clarify that due to the relationship between both specialties; Doctors who focus on these areas usually end up specializing in both.
In addition, another important detail is that in most cases an obstetrician can work as a gynecologist; But a gynecologist cannot work as an obstetrician.
Unlike gynecologists, obstetricians do not usually treat illnesses. Instead, they do work with problems like ectopic pregnancies. In the case of miscarriages, both the obstetrician and gynecologist can provide treatment and care .
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