Difference between Neurologist and Psychiatrist
Medicine is divided into several branches, given the large number and different types of existing pathologies. Some of these branches are interrelated, and professionals in each area often seek the support and opinion of experts in other sciences and disciplines that are relevant to their work. difference between neurologist and psychiatrist
Today we are going to talk about two very important branches of medicine that, in addition to having advanced a lot over time, also cooperate with each other.
Next we will tell you what is the difference between neurology and psychiatry.
NEUROLOGIST difference between neurologist and psychiatrist
A neurologist is a doctor who deals with the diagnosis and treatment of the diseases / disorders system nervous. T rat various conditions such as the disorders of sleep, epilepsy , brain injuries, headaches of migraine, brain tumors and spinal cord .
The nervous system is very important for the proper functioning of the body , since it controls both behavior and sensitivity ( balance, reflexes, memory, speech, language, among others); p Therefore or , neurologists must be highly trained; In addition to being doctors of medicine, it is also necessary that they have some type of additional training to obtain the specialty in any of the sub-branches of neurology; such as sleep medicine, neuromuscular medicine and others.
To be a neurologist is necessary to obtain a degree MD or DO, but later it continues one special training in a course accredited neurology .
From the above, it is not so strange that some people confuse the n Eurologos with psychiatrists , as both professionals treat disorders or diseases that have certain similarities .
Both branches of medicine shake hands very occasionally, but to understand the difference between a psychiatrist and a neurologist it is necessary that we give a definition to the former.
The psychiatrist is a doctor who deals with disorders related to mental illness. These diseases are recognized by the similar signs and symptoms (among different people) that show the activities of the mind such as memory, emotions , sensory perception, attention, pleasure, among others.
After graduating from medical school , psychiatrists need to complete training in the field of psychiatry. This professional can specialize in fields such as psychiatry , geriatrics , psychiatry , forensic, the child and adolescent psychiatry , among others.
In certain cases, psychiatrists must turn to neurologists for evaluations of their patients; since while neurologists focus on the functioning of the nervous system, psychiatrists focus on mental processes and disorders (which often have to do with the nervous system) that cannot be treated by psychologists; since they do not have sufficient medical training.
In short, neurologists and psychiatrists can find many topics from which to start conversations; since in both careers similar or related problems can be seen, but without a doubt, there are many differences between a psychiatrist and a neurologist.
Key differences between neurologist and psychiatrist
- Neurologists are doctors who deal with diseases of the nervous system, while psychiatrists are doctors who deal with mental illnesses.
- Psychiatrists deal with illnesses such as: bipolarity, schizophrenia, depression and social anxiety disorders, among others; while neurologists focus on diseases such as: epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, headaches, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, language disorders and spinal cord disorders …
- Neurologists focus their attention on problems such as movement, sensation, and physical pain, while psychiatrists focus on disordered thoughts, feelings, and behavior in a general sense.