Difference Between Poles and Ecuador
The Equator is the point from which latitude is calculated. In other words, it is the 0 ° latitude line. It is the imaginary circle that draws a line between the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere. Difference Between Poles and Ecuador
The term derives from the Latin phrase: ‘circulus aequator diei et noctis’, which means ‘circle that equalizes day and night’. It is one of the main imaginary circles and is drawn in relation to the axis of rotation of the earth. In simple terms, the equator cuts the spherical earth in half.
The line is drawn between South America and Africa, crosses a number of islands and passes through 14 countries.
POLES Difference Between Poles and Ecuador
The poles consist of two points: North Pole and South Pole . They represent the main point where the axis of rotation is next to the surface of the planet, that is, these points are crossed by the axis of rotation. The lines of longitude run from pole to pole and are more or less all the same length, but not parallel. The North Pole is 90 ° north of the Equator and the South Pole is 90 ° south of the Equator.
The direction of the poles of the Earth, in relation to the sun, makes the difference in terms of the energy received in them and the Equator. The normal amount of solar radiation decreases from the Equator towards the poles. This is due to the low latitudes (near the Equator there are relatively large amounts of radiation throughout the year and at high latitudes (near the poles), the angle of inclination of the sun’s rays together with the long periods of darkness in winter; they result in a low amount of radiation in those areas.
Key differences between Ecuador and Poles
- The Equator is an imaginary circle, which divides the Earth in half; while the Poles are the two points (North Pole and South Pole) that are crossed by the axis of rotation of the Earth.
- In Ecuador the temperature is hot, while in the Poles it is cold.
- The gravitational acceleration is 9.78 m / s2 at the Equator, while at the Poles it is 9.83 m / s2.