Difference between Search engine and Web browser
With advances in technology, information about any subject is within the reach of a single click. The incorporation of the internet into the daily lives of millions of people is something remarkable and one that is increasingly having a great impact on society. Difference between Search engine and Web browser
Most people enjoy the simple act of sitting for hours in front of their computers and going aimlessly through different web pages. This habit of clicking on various sites is called “web browsing” and “web search.”
Both the term browse and search are often used to refer to the same task (searching for things on the internet), however, technically speaking; there are differences between what each word implies.
If you have doubts about the difference between browsing and searching the web or are simply looking for a little more information to complement what you already know, keep reading, because below we explain everything you need to know around this interesting topic.
WEB SEARCH Difference between Search engine and Web browser
When a person is using a specific search engine and goes through websites in search of something in particular, they are said to be searching the web. It is understood then that this is a task that is carried out with a purpose, that is, the person is not looking for things randomly.
There are as many reasons why people do web searches as is the number of websites that can be visited if you have an internet connection. There are those who use search engines to do school work or homework, others do it for entertainment, for work …
On the other hand, browsing the web consists of visiting sites at random. In this case, the user does not look for anything specific, but simply explores what is presented to him.
Unlike what happens in the previous case, when someone surfs the web, many times they do not even do it paying attention or because they have in mind to find something in particular; Rather, he does it as a way of killing time.
Finally, as you may have noticed, both terms have very similar definitions; however, the connotations are different. Both words describe the same action, but distinguish the motives behind it.