Education and Culture

How is a Scientific Hypothesis Formed? with Proper Definition and Brief Explanation

A scientific hypothesis is the mainstay of scientific investigation and experimentation. Therefore, it is important to learn to form a scientific hypothesis.                                                                                                                               How is a Scientific Hypothesis Formed

This article explains,

     1. What is a scientific hypothesis?

     2. How is a scientific hypothesis formed?

     3. Tips for forming a scientific hypothesis.

What is a scientific hypothesis?

A scientific hypothesis is basically a conjecture based on observation and prior knowledge. Although the hypothesis is not a proven theory, it is the mainstay of scientific research. A scientific hypothesis proposes an explanation for a hitherto unsolved scientific hypothesis. For such an explanation to be called a scientific hypothesis, it must be something that can be supported by valid evidence. 

How is a scientific hypothesis formed?

  1. Decide on a problem

For example, suppose you are doing a simple study on plant growth; Your problem may be: what happens when a plant does not get sunlight?

  1. Background research

Background research is the next step in formulating a hypothesis: Once you have solved the problem, you can collect observations about the relevant phenomenon. Then try to understand the relationship between these observations and connect them to the problem.

  1. Build a hypothesis

Building a hypothesis is the next logical step in this process. As mentioned above, a hypothesis is an educated guess. You can make a hypothesis about your selected problem through your observation. Let’s take the previous example of the plant and sunlight; If you have observed that the plants become weak and pale and eventually die if they do not receive adequate sunlight, you can assume that if the plants do not receive sunlight, they tend to die.

Note that the hypothesis often begins with the word yes. For instance,

If A happens, B will happen.

If I do … then this will happen …

  1. Test the hypothesis

Building a hypothesis alone is not enough; You also need to make sure that your hypothesis can be tested with evidence. Therefore, it is important to test your hypothesis. For example, if your hypothesis is that plants die if they don’t get adequate sunlight, you should test this in the real world to make sure it can be tested. You can use two plants of the same type and size, and keep one in a place where there is no direct or indirect sunlight. Notice the difference between the two and see if the plant dies without sunlight. 

One of the most important factors to consider when forming a scientific hypothesis is the testability of the hypothesis. 

Tips for forming a scientific hypothesis

  • Before asking a question, identify the problem clearly.
  • Remember that the hypothesis is a statement, not a question. A hypothesis is an educated and testable conjecture and often begins with the word YES.
  • Form your hypothesis in clear and simple language so that everyone can understand; It would also ensure that there is no confusion about the hypothesis.
  • Make sure your hypothesis can be scientifically proven.
Difference between hypothesis and research question
Mohammad Asif Goraya

M A Goraya has qualification of M.phil in Agricultural Sciences. He has almost 15 years of teaching Experience at college and university level. He likes to share his research based knowledge with his students and audience.

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