Lake And Lagoon with main difference
One of the main differences between a lake and a lagoon is the type of water they contain. The water of a lake flows through its mouths. On the other hand, the lagoon , having no mouths, contains stagnant water. This is just one of the differences between a lake and a lagoon. If you want to discover them all, keep reading and discover all their distinctions. Lake And Lagoon with main difference
The lake water flows while the lagoons is a large accumulation of stagnant water.
Lake vs Laguna
Main differences : Lake And Lagoon with main difference
- One of the main differences between a lake and a lagoon is the extension , but more specifically the depth. Lakes are much deeper than lagoons.
- As we have mentioned, the water in the lagoons has no outlet, so it is permanently stagnant, unlike the water in the lakes that have currents produced by their outlets.
- Another difference is the amount of mineral salts in the soil . The lakes, due to their currents, do not allow these to be stored. Instead, the opposite occurs in the lagoons.
- The lakes are generally of fresh water , and for their part the lagoons have salty waters. Although it should be mentioned that this is not an infallible rule, because this is not the case in all cases.
- Another difference to mention is the temperature , and this point is closely linked to the depth of the water. The lagoon being shallower, the sun heats it all evenly; and the lakes, being of greater depth, present several layers of different temperatures.
- Finally, it should be mentioned that while the lagoons can disappear during a long drought, due to the fact that the precipitations are their way of feeding; A lake can also disappear when its water output is greater than that which enters it, although this fact occurs very rarely.
What is a lake? Lake And Lagoon with main difference
Generally, lakes are bodies of fresh water , they are large and are separated from the sea (This does not mean that they have access to the sea). Sometimes there are lakes, which because of their long extension and because they have no access to the sea, are called “closed sea”, such is the case of the Caspian Sea, which is nothing but a lake.
Characteristics of the lakes Lake And Lagoon with main difference
The main characteristic of lakes is that they are fed by rivers, and groundwater, and by rainfall . However, it should be noted that the lakes not only have entrances, but also have exits through rivers, and exits to the sea; An example of this is Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela.
In view of the above, everything and that cannot be seen with the naked eye, it can be said that lakes have currents when they have water inlets and outlets . However, one aspect that distinguishes the lake from the sea is that the lakes do not have tides.
Examples of lakes
Here, as an example, we show you the 5 largest lakes in the world:
- Lake Baikal (Russia)
- Crater Lake (United States)
- Lake Superior (United States and Canada)
- Lake Tahoe (United States)
- Lake Titiaca (Peru and Bolivia)
Likewise, everything and that are not so big, there are lakes with very unique characteristics that make them surprising lakes . For example, if we told you that there was a pink lake, would you believe it? Surely not, but let us show you a picture of Lake Hillier located on the Australian coast:
For its part, a lagoon is a natural reservoir of water, generally sweet and of little extension. Lagoons are rich in biodiversity, due to their shallow depth, which is why plants tend to develop with roots all over the surface.
Lagoon characteristics
An important characteristic that must be highlighted of the lagoons is that their waters do not drain, since they do not have water outlets . In other words, the water in the lagoons is permanently stagnant.
Another important point to mention is that the lagoons usually have a large amount of mineral salts accumulated at the bottom, this as a consequence of the evaporation of the water , and as there are no currents in the lagoons, these salts are stored.
Examples of gaps
Here, as an example, we show you some of the most important lagoons in the world:
- Laguna del mar chiquita (Argentina)
- Monialtepec Lagoon (Mexico)
- Venice Lagoon (Italy)
- Laguna Kara (Bolivia)
- Black lagoon (Spain)