
Pocketed spring and Traditional spring with differences

The spring mattresses for over a century in the market, and until recently have seemed the best option to consider. And when time seemed to displace them, they have been reinvented with the arrival of pocket spring mattresses . Pocketed spring and Traditional spring with differences

But what really is the difference between spring mattresses and pocket spring mattresses? This is precisely what we come for. We will break down the different existing between these two types of internal mattress structures.

What are the springs? Pocketed spring and Traditional spring with differences

The first thing to mention is that there are many types of mattress springs, even pocket springs belong to this group. However, by mattress spring we will refer to the most classic models or, rather, the traditional ones.

There are at least four types of mattress springs: continuous, biconical (also known as Bonello), double offset, and pocket springs.

The firmness, stability, movement and ventilation of the mattress depend on the type of spring.

A mattress spring is a mesh of interlaced wires that make up the internal structure of mattresses. This type of spring has been in use since the mid-19th century.

They can also be defined as a flexible piece of metallic or helical shape of great elasticity and resistance, so that after the pressure to which they are subjected is over, they can restore their shape without any damage.

The biggest drawback of classic biconical springs is that, being a single piece, if there is a couple in the bed, and one of them moves, the other is also affected. In other words, the mattress lacks autonomy.

What are pocketed springs?

We told you that the main difficulty that traditional or Bonnel springs present is that, being a single piece, the movements of one person affect the other, in addition to generating a certain level of noise.

Now, the pocket springs were cleverly designed to eliminate that annoying problem, how did they do it? Well, they made the dock with other smaller docks that are inside cloth bags (that’s where their name comes from).

In this way, the friction between springs was reduced and optimal autonomy and independence was achieved in the mattress, achieving that lying down, getting up, sitting down and moving, only affects the region that is under said pressure, and not the rest of the mattress.

In this type of structure, each spring adapts independently to the weight, which makes the mattress fit perfectly to the entire environment of the body. In other words, the weight is evenly distributed on the surface of the mattress, which raises the levels of comfort and relaxation.

Which is the best option? Normal springs or pocket springs?

  • Pocket spring mattresses have greater bed independence compared to traditional spring mattresses.
  • Traditional springs are louder than bagged ones, since the sound is closely related to the autonomy of the structure.
  • The body adaptability provided by pocket springs is far superior to that offered by classic springs.
  • Traditional spring cores or housings carry more weight than pocket spring cores.
  • Lastly, conventional springs provide slightly better ventilation than pocket springs.
Mohammad Asif Goraya

M A Goraya has qualification of M.phil in Agricultural Sciences. He has almost 15 years of teaching Experience at college and university level. He likes to share his research based knowledge with his students and audience.

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