Difference Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise
When you do an intense exercise, in which you keep track of “5, 6, 7, 8” and you feel the sweat, the lost calories and even the inches of less, what type of exercise do you think you are doing? Aerobic or anaerobic? Well, here we are going to explain the difference between the two so that you are clear about these concepts, but the first thing you should know is that each of these exercises has its health benefits and allows everyone to achieve their goals; depending on which they are. Difference Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise
Vigorous and active exercises can be aerobic or anaerobic, but for simplicity; aerobic means “with oxygen” and anaerobic “without oxygen.”
Anaerobic exercise does not imply that you stop breathing until you lose your breath during exercise, but it is based on the cellular tissues producing the necessary energy without total dependence on oxygen. The exercise session is fast, with high intensity activities, therefore taking a lot of oxygen in this case is not an option. Anaerobic exercises include tennis, weight lifting, sprinting, jumping, among others.
AEROBIC EXERCISE Difference Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise
On the other hand, aerobic exercise implies keeping a moderate rhythm in terms of the use of oxygen, to generate the necessary energy. Muscles use oxygen to burn glucose and fat to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Some of the most important aerobic exercises include: walking, running, swimming, cycling, skiing, or simply following the rhythm of an exercise video.
From the above it is deduced that both aerobic and anaerobic exercises perform particular functions and each one reports its benefits. Aerobic exercise helps to tone muscles, improve circulation, reduce blood pressure, improve lung capacity, strengthen the heart, increase the number of red blood cells and therefore decrease the chances of heart disease.
Anaerobic exercise helps the body to increase its performance, therefore, it helps to strengthen bones, improve speed and strength, and reduce the risk of muscle atrophy with age.
If you plan to follow an exercise routine, you should know that it is a good idea to combine both aerobic and anaerobic exercises, so that the results are better and more complete. These exercises can help you maintain good health longer and improve your physical performance.
Remember that before starting any type of exercise it is good that you know all the details about your health, above all it is important that you take into account if you suffer from any disease or if you have a heart, bone or spine problem; because not all exercises are for everyone.
If you are on a diet or simply want to preserve or improve your health, remember that exercise must be accompanied by a good diet, rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains; avoiding excessive consumption of sugar, alcoholic beverages, junk food and fatty foods. If you follow these tips, you can be sure that you will stay healthier and more aesthetically pleasing.
Key differences between aerobic and anaerobic exercise
- Aerobic exercise is characterized by increased oxygen consumption while performing, while anaerobic exercise is usually very intense and this causes oxygen consumption to be more controlled.
- Aerobic exercise follows a moderate pace, while anaerobic exercise requires a faster pace and higher intensity.
- Aerobic exercise helps tone muscles and improve circulation, while anaerobic exercise helps strengthen bones and reduce the risk of muscle atrophy.