Difference Between Geography and Topography

Our planet and all the places that are on it are of great interest to many people, which is something very logical; since this is our home, but also the places that are outside the Earth arouse our curiosity.  Difference Between Geography and Topography

When we talk about territories and places, we most likely think of Geography , however, there is also Topography. Is there a difference between the two? Keep reading and you will see that it is.

GEOGRAPHY  Difference Between Geography and Topography

Geography addresses the study of territories and places on the planet, taking into account the context in which they are located, how they differ and why.

Study the spatial variations and take into account the history of how the different spaces have evolved over time. In addition to these studies, it also deals with that of the inhabitants and phenomena related to the earth.

According to Wikipedia, the first person to use the word “geography” was Eratosthenes (276-194 BC). This field of knowledge serves as a foundation for many others.

An important characteristic of Geography has to do with the use of maps that are used to record information. Examine the natural environment. It deals with studying soil production and the interaction: climate, water and geographical features.


It has a lot to do with Geography and is responsible for the study of natural and artificial characteristics of places and territories. It takes into account factors such as relative positions and elevations related to landscapes. It includes the study of these characteristics anywhere, be it on Earth, the moon, an asteroid or a distant planet.

One of the main objectives of this science is the study of latitude (distance from north to south of the Equator), longitude (distance between east and west of the meridian) and elevation (height above sea level).

In conclusion, Topography and Geography differ from each other. The first addresses the study of the shapes and characteristics of places, regardless of whether or not they are on this planet ; while the second focuses on the study and description of the Earth, taking into account factors such as the climate, its inhabitants and its characteristics. 

  • Geography is limited to the description and representation of places and territories on Earth, while topography describes and represents places regardless of whether or not they are on this planet.
  • Geography studies the Earth and its characteristics, while Topography focuses on studying the shape of surfaces; including its relief.

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