Difference between Prejudice and Stereotype

Prejudices and stereotypes are biases that often contribute or cause the maintenance of social inequality and many cases of discrimination. Both cases generally bring negative elements with them and have some things in common, however, they are not the same. Difference between Prejudice and Stereotype

If you are curious or need a little more information about it, keep reading, because below we will explain what the difference between prejudice and stereotype is.

PREJUDICE  Difference between Prejudice and Stereotype

Prejudices are preconceived ideas that one has about someone or something before having adequate and precise knowledge to judge.

Biased conceptions can be based on gender, ethnicity, skin color , tattoos, and other markings; and many other elements. Generally, prejudice consists of showing negative feelings towards those who do not belong to the same group to which one belongs.

Many times the best way to combat prejudice is to become familiar with the object to which it is directed, since knowing it allows us to develop a clearer and more objective vision of reality.


On the other hand, stereotypes are very simplified images or ideas that we make of certain things (people or objects). It has a lot to do with the classifications that are made of people according to their belonging to certain groups.

Stereotypes are also based on preconceptions and are formed when members of certain groups often display similar patterns of behavior or thinking. They can be negative, positive or neutral. For example, typical stereotypes are that of the silly blonde and that of the French in berets and black and white striped t-shirts.

Unlike prejudices, stereotypes are not based on one’s own ideas or experiences, but on beliefs that have existed in society for a long time.

Finally, today it is said that the formation of stereotypes could have been an adaptive advantage of our ancestors; however, it is also known that they can sometimes be quite harmful.

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